After I left school ,I came home to live with a family .As my family wasnt my biological family they adopted me . I found it hard adjusting and living in a family ,because all my life I lived with friends in DGH . I found it hard not to follow rules and orders ,I found it hard to make friends with my neighbors .Everything was falling apart and my whole life was with anger and revenge .
My parents couldnt understand how I was feeling and always complained that I wasnt up to their expectations that bought more sadness into my life . And after going through the dark sides of the Homes life ,i was in desperate need for help and guidance .
But I was to young to understand and that brought alot of unusal and strange behaviour patterns in my life . I was a rough angry man ,had no sense of colour saw the world as a place for only evil people ,never saw beauty in anything .
I tried visiting a psychologist but was shy and was running short of finances . So I gave up the idea and tried it on my own with natural healing . so years went by and nothing changed ,till finally just a few years back I started to get help and now i feel a better man a better human being with love ,care ,honesty and full of beauty .
I feel many of the Homes kids need it in school and even after leaving school . It does help . Melvinn