1...How many of youll still sit on your bottoms and tie your shoe laces ? Cos I do it till today.
2...How many of youll wipe your fingers on your pants ,because to lazy to take out the handkerchief.Cos I do it sometimes . heheheheehhehe.
3....how many of youll still air out your under clothes at the foot of the bed ,like the days in the cottage .( not answering this one )hehehehehe.
4....How many of youll ask to go to the toilet ? (still not answering this one )heheheheheh.
5....How many of youll would make designs while eating a slice of bread .example .>a tree or a gun ..( I do it sometimes )hehehehehe.
6....how many of youll would keep the special dish for the last and eat up the rest first ? ( I do it sometimes when no one is looking ) hehehehehhehe.
7....how many of youll would wear torn futted shoes ? ( just threw my boots away after wearing it for 8 years ).hehehehehee.
8.....How many of youll would wash your plate after you have eaten?( you can ask my wife I do the dishes and wipe them well )heheheehe.
Anyways this is all I could think of at the moment,if you have some post it . radio dj signing out radio dj Melvinn.