Chaos in the Homes - Friday 3 April 2009 ( Originally written by John Rai )
corruption in the homes has always existed. it was just as students we hardly realized it, till we stepped out. allegedly members of a certain family living on the campus for years have been involved in land grabbing, dadagiri, influencing locals, etc... and this is the buzz that i heard as a student s...
Melvinn Pattern
Apr 4, 2009
by Melvinn Pattern
Happy New Year
Hi Ogbs Happy new year to all my friends and hope this year brings you joy and happiness love melvinn
Melvinn Pattern
Jan 1, 2009
by Melvinn Pattern
http://wishboneas.synthasite.com ( Video radio shows now online for for Ogbs )
Hi Ogbs . If you ever running out of music . Ive created a web page called http://wishboneas.synthasite.com Ive uploaded music and my radio shows ,so just feel free to go there and enjoy the web page . If you want to download good music your more than welcome . Listen to the radio show I dedicated for the De...
Melvinn Pattern
Dubai DGH First Ever B'Day Celebrations
If you know of any Dr. Graham's Homes, Kalimpong alumni living in Dubai or other parts of the UAE, please pass this message onto them:
Dubai DGH Alumni are planning their first ever B'Day Bash in honour of Dr. Graham's Homes.
It will take place on Thursday, 25th September, 2008.
For more details...
How about Goolli danda ......hehehehe
Hehehehe I cant forget this Indian game we used to play after school . All we scottish guys would run up to cottage after school ,and quickly get dressed with our playing clothes and run to the field and play goolli danda . I remember one time ,I was with the danda and I scopped the goolli and it hit dhari in t...
Melvinn Pattern
Red Indians and Cowboys.
Well those were the best days playing that game, the seniors use to rag us if we got captured I remember Peter Rozario climbing and hiding in the trees nobody could ever see him coming. Not to mention the favourite form of punishment was a quick touch of stinging nectal. And in heathland you had the freed...
Jul 31, 2008
by Anonymous
Stephanie storey sellers message ....( her dad grew up in the Homes )
Hi Ogbs . This is a message /post from Stephanie storey sellers . She wrote about her dad how he grew up in the Homes and his child abuse . Melvinn, My dad grew up in the homes from age 2 on. He was anglo Indian and deserted by both parents. He was there in th e1920s-30s and told me he was beaten regularly for thi...
Melvinn Pattern
Did you ever get bullied or bullied anyone ?
Hello Ogbs . Back in the days when I was a little boy ,I can still remember I was in class 1. From wales Lodge I was sent to Scottish canadain cottage . As a little boy I quess I was cute , and the cuteness made me a prime target for the big boys .At first they used to make us carry all their books after tea ,then whe...
Melvinn Pattern
Did you ever plug in class ?
Hello Ogbs . I was kinda dhandoo in school ,and only studied before the exams . So back in the days when I was a boy ,I hated to study and just liked getting into trouble . If I can remember I think I plugged in class 3 . After that I pulled up my socks and started to study hard and yeah I got the progress prize in cl...
Melvinn Pattern
Hosting a Charity concert for Myanma cyclone victums and also for DGH sponsors
Hi Ogbs Just to let you ogbs know Im hosting a charity concert on the 21st july 2008 ,in my city and I quess there are going to be 100s of people coming . Will host the concert for Myanma cyclone victums and will send a certain % of the money I get to the Homes . I hope my concert is a success and ogbs wish me luck . T...
Melvinn Pattern
Did you really enjoy your life in DGH ? or you missed something that was so important?
Hello Friends. I cant tell you that I really enjoyed life in DGH .I did to a certain extent . I kinda missed my family and my mum and wished she could come and visit me from time to time ,but I knew she couldnt afford the journey so I could some how understand . There were times when I was bullied and dhupped up f...
Melvinn Pattern
How about life in Birkmyre
Man those days of music everyone on a guitar everyone singing not to mention someone doing the needful to arrange the porn nights a Dvd with 3 CD's man that was the best the bathrooms were always busy hahah I'm sure ryan knows about it and so does shibu.
What was your life like in Dr Grahams Homes ...> write a small paragraph...
Hi Ogbs .... It all started in lucia king ,As you ogbs know I was naughty right from the time I came out of my mothers stomach ,so lucia king didnt make a difference . Infact I brushed up my naughty skills in lucia king and it gave me more skills for the future . From lucia king ,I landed up in wales lodge where A...
Melvinn Pattern
Lets see how much DGH Lingo /slang you know bring it on .......(Use it in sentence form )
Hey Ogbs Nothing makes me laugh and remember the homes by the way we talk ,we homes people were always different and thats what makes us Unique. ( Situation .Act 1) conversation between two Homes guys . Scene 1....> Location at the school Bogs < A....hey chums got an fags on you . B....Yeah man jus...
Melvinn Pattern
Welcome My wonderful friends (OGBs)
Hello Ogbs . Ive created this Dgh Forum and message board ,so that we could come here and write whatever yu want to write .Please do feel free and express your self and dont worry about the DGH slang you use ,because Im all game for it. Infact the more you talk DGH slang it kinda makes me laugh and reminds me o...
Melvinn Pattern
My daughters school teacher a real bully ,a must read for you guys .
You know back in the Homes ,when we got lupped up by the teachers ,for no dam reason we had no choice but take the dhups and lupping up .Because our parents were so far away and by the time we ever got to complain it would have been in no use . Now that Im a parent and a wonderful dad ,I would never see that my daugh...
Melvinn Pattern
Honest conffession who was your school sweetheart /or who did you have a crush on ?
Back in the days ,I was quiet handsome and tall .But dam no chick ever looked at me ,I quess I was a futti guy and just wanted to show off more than really trying to impress the chicks .It all started when i was in class 5 ,there was this chick called babita charabarty and she use to sit at the back of the class ,a...
Melvinn Pattern
How many teeth you broke while eating C.K rice with bhutts in it ?
Man got to tell you this ,C.K rice was full of bhutts .Many times i bit some and had the tips of my molars knocked off. so much so when I got to high school ,I started to check the rice with my spoon to see if I tap on any bumpy stuff . But i enjoyed the c.k grub ,esp on sundays man the specials looked like it was made...
Melvinn Pattern
Please write your name ,after you post a message .....
Hey Ogbs . please write your name after you post a message . p/s ....please feel free to write whatever you want ,and write like as if you were talking to a Homes guy/gal . Would love to listen to your Homes slang . No matter how cleaver you are now ,or how educated you are we all had a very special dialect we cr...
Melvinn Pattern
Dongamitais /Lollipops ....
I ate dongamitais right till high school ,and it was really delicious . I wonder how you make them ,I wish I could get a recipie .] Dongas was the only cheap snack back then I could afford ,and i remember on town days I had it all chocked out how many packets Im gonna buy . I kinda liked the coconut dongas ,but t...
Melvinn Pattern
Did your parents complain about someone else clothes you bought back home ?
Hi Ogbs. After the 3 months holidays ,My chinies dad would always say Melvin I want to see the same clothes when you come home after 9 months . But that never happened ,because once we got into the Hostel,esp willingdon ,man those homes buggers always borrowed your clothes and by the time it came back to y...
Melvinn Pattern
Inviting the rest.
Hey Mel try and invite he others too I'll try and do that myself since I do know a few let see what happens. Nice to have some freedom here ha. regards.