Hostel ragging ,( How many of you guys hated it ?)
Hey Ogbs . Hows it going ? Ok heres an interesting episode of the hostel ragging. Like I alwa**ay Im a proud Willingdon dhandoo.And back in our days Hostel ragging was around april and boy most of the freshers hated it .especially if you were small in size and wasnt a fighter .The oldshers really had thei...
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Did you OGbs ever notice >?
Hey Dgh buddies . Did you guys ever notice when we were in school we spoke so much DGH slang that most of us couldnt understand the English questions on the examination paper? Did you ever notice that most of the clever guys went to Frazer hostel and all the Danhdoo guys went to willingdon .But when the ICS...
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Scottish Canadian Summer camping trip ....
Hi Ogbs . Mr Hughes was a great outdoor person ,and every summer he would take all the scottish boys to relli for a 5 day camping trip .And boy those days we didnt have rugsacks with padding on the straps like we have nowdays . He made us use the quilt mattress as bags ( roled up ) then he tied it with coconut st...
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How did you get your school nick name ?
Hello my OGb buddies . Now dont feel shy and come out in the open and say how did you get your school nick name .im sure everyone had some soft of a school nick name . Heres how I got my school nickname . Back in the Homes when I was a little boy ,Me and my buddies used to play hide and seek under the beds in the Scott...
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The DGH Homes chicks ......
Hello Ogbs . Ok Now you homes chicks dont get angry with me . But this is what I thought of Homes chicks ... hehehehehehhehhe...... 1....Homes chicks were kinda proud ,and only wanted to date SAS guys .hehehehe. 2...Some of the Homes chicks were loving and caring ,but when you send them a love letter the...
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Did you ever show your final report to your parents ?
Hey Ogbs ! Hows everyone doing ? hope all is well and regards to youlls families . Ok after the final Exams ,we all left for homes to enjoy the christmass holidays . Now some of us did badly in our studies and some of us even plugged in class . After a week at home one fine winter morning the post man brings a let...
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Some one once said .........
Hi Ogbs Read this its funny ..... Well here it goes ..... Some one once said if your a homes guy ,then you must be having some scars ,proving that you were in the fights . Some one once said if you didnt have a chick in your entire homes life then you were the handsomest guy ,and must have been dating the loreto...
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I remember all the fun and i sit back and laugh ......hehehehhe
Yo buddies .whats going on ? Common guys/gals no one is being active here . Common people get into the groove and join the fun . This is what I remember .; It was one fine saturday and we had to do a mega cleaning in our cottages .so we had finished our morning studies and then we had some activities . After the...
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NCC how I hated it but loved to receive the money allowance .
hello OGBs . So how many of youll did the full two year training in the NCC .I think in those days was it Mr Lama who was the chief . Man he wacked the crap out of us .In my second year of training I remember towards the end of it we were allowed to practise with guns . ( Long rifle guns ) and we had the indian army fro...
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Episode of a Practical Bio class.
In the year 86,one fine summer morning we had a practical Bio class .So class 9 was sent to the new Biology lab to do this practical disection of a frog . The frog was in a container jumping and trying its best to escape .Then the teacher told one of the students to take out the frog and place it on the wax tray ....
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If once in your life time in DGH .
Hi guys /gals Ogbs ... If once in a life time you didnt have bounce with your buddy who tried to steal your chick away from you . if once in a life time you didnt try this trick by throwing down your pencil and looking up the chicks skirts .. if once in a life time the teacher who lupped you up the most and finally...
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Break Dancing in the Homes .
Yahoo Dgh people . Im back and its going to be fun in here . No time to waste on negative vibes ,the world has enough of hate ,Negative , sadness and fighting ,get into the groove of trying to think positive and make someone smile .... Heres an episode of what happened when we wasnt allowed to see video. Its w...
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Bonfire time .....( how I burnt up alot of of them ) hehehehehe
When i got to class 9 ,I was kinda naughty guy . I wanted to do some crazy things without knowing that its crazy . so this guy Micheal conway who was in willingdon hostel ,used to come to the cottage and hang around till late . And just around going home day ,alot of cottages would collect fire wood and twigs t...
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How were you treated as a student in DGH ?
Hi oGbs . You know I cant deny that I never enjoyed my life and my childhood in the homes ,it was a great place where you learnt so much and your friends came your family . But on the other hand ,Sometimes I just couldnt figure it out why I bunked so many classes ,and then after leaving school I realized so many...
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Foota in the rain ......( How I loved it )
Scottish Canadain guys were champion foota players when it came to playing in the rains . We guys played barefoot and man it was fun sliding from one end of the field to the other end . And yeah when the ball went down the khud we made mud balls and pelted one another .( ouch that stung bad ) We looked like real...
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BOXING SEASON .....( Man How I hated Boxing )
Everey one knew that around june the boxing season started ,and I honestly hated it . I was in scotish canadain and our cottage thaje and dhari was mr and mrs Huges . Thaje was a great boxing fan and every morning from the 1st of june he made us get up around 4;30am and make us run ,then come back to cottage and...
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